
Macroocean Material — the factory providing polyester resin and its modified products put into operation

發(fā)布日期:2014-09-03來源:admin瀏覽量: 3722次

After two years of construction, Suzhou Macroocean New Material Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Macroocean was formally put into operation, which marks that Macroocean can achieve the commercialization of research findings and the process of industrialization.

It has been two years , since Macroocean new materials first began construction in 2012 to put into operation in 2014. It is due to the struggle of the day and night of all the Macroocean members. Factory is located in Changshu new material industrial park in Jiangsu province, near Yangtze River. It covers an area of 14711 square meters, and the total investment is 600 million. the factory has been installed foreign technology leading machinery and equipment with high degree of automation. The production capacity is expected to reach 18000 tons, and the value of output can reach 50000 million. The factory produces functional polyester resin, which will be widely used in coatings, home appliances, packaging, textiles, and many other areas.

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